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Stadt Bad Segeberg
Lübecker Straße 9
23795 Bad Segeberg
T 04551 964-0
F 04551 964-111
E-Mail schreiben
Öffnungszeiten RATHAUS

Mo - Fr    08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Do           14:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten STANDESAMT

Health and active recreation


Großer Segeberger See
Bad Segeberg and its surroundings are an ideal location to refill with energy. Clean air and magnificent nature will provide everything that your body needs to get fit again.
What do you prefer, water or extended hikes through fields and forests? Here with us, you will surely find the right spot.

If you need a longer period of time for rehabilitation, the best medical care is available. The highly qualified medical team of the Segeberger Kliniken group is at your disposal here and will be pleased to support you in any situation. The long walks that you can take through our charming climatic health resort and spa will not only contribute to your convalescence but they will also lift your spirits.