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Stadt Bad Segeberg
Lübecker Straße 9
23795 Bad Segeberg
T 04551 964-0
F 04551 964-111
E-Mail schreiben
Öffnungszeiten RATHAUS

Mo - Fr    08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Do           14:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten STANDESAMT

The art gallery Kunsthalle Otto Flath


Kunsthalle Otto Flath
For more than 50 years the wood sculptor Otto Flath (1906 – 1987) lived and worked in Bad Segeberg. The Städtische Kunsthalle Otto Flath displays a representative cross section of his work of art with the permanent exhibition of about 30 sculptures and a choice of water colours.
The living quarters of the Villa Flath, the former home of the artist, were rearranged as a gallery. Here, changing exhibitions of German and international artists give an impression of contemporary works of art.

Bismarckallee 5
23795 Bad Segeberg
telephone: ++49(0) 4551/ 87 99 00

Tuesday – Sunday
2 pm – 6 pm

admission charge Flath


adults: 1,50€
groups of 15 people or more: 1,00€
pupil, apprentice, student: 1,00€
family ticket: 3,50€
tour: 10,00€
tour outside the opening hours: 15,00€

The small museumshop has to offer different postcards, books about Otto Flath, artprints and videos.

tours and lectures:
After agreement by telephone

For more information about Otto Flath[Absatz] and the art gallery please click here!